Free CodyCummings video

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Video provided by: CodyCummings
Video description: If there's one thing for which Cody Cummings is thankful, it's his fans. In 2011, Cody has enjoyed an abundance of overwhelming love. Today he's cozying up inside on a gloomy, moist afternoon, sipping coffee and getting comfy. Come join him as he stretches out and fattens up his cock for some sensual and relaxing solo time. He's sending you his best regards and warmest wishes in 2012, and would like to share with you in an inaugural jerk-off for good luck. Whether you like to snuggle in tight, or sprawl out among warm ensconcement, cum along with the Next Door Stallion for a joyous kickoff to a fresh, New Year!


Duration: 05:16 min
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