Free FreshMen (KA) video
Video provided by: FreshMen (KA)
Video description: The first video for this edition of Kinky Angels is not the traditional sex-scene. It is instead, a three part video-collage of cute featuring Andre Boleyn and Kevin Warhol. The first part documents a photo-shoot made during our trip to Bali. The second part, also shot in Bali, features the two boys showering. The third part is a jerk-off scene filmed in our apartment in Prague. Our choice to film these scenes in this manner was dictated by Indonesia�s ban on filming pornography. This necessitated that we shoot soft-core material there and sexual material back home in Prague.
Duration: 03:12 min
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Video description: The first video for this edition of Kinky Angels is not the traditional sex-scene. It is instead, a three part video-collage of cute featuring Andre Boleyn and Kevin Warhol. The first part documents a photo-shoot made during our trip to Bali. The second part, also shot in Bali, features the two boys showering. The third part is a jerk-off scene filmed in our apartment in Prague. Our choice to film these scenes in this manner was dictated by Indonesia�s ban on filming pornography. This necessitated that we shoot soft-core material there and sexual material back home in Prague.
error 1
Duration: 03:12 min
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